Maddi's Story

“Research allowed me to avoid a lot of negative side effects while still receiving treatment that helped me remain cancer-free."
– Beth


"Cancer research gave me a second chance. And I’m using that opportunity to give back."
– Carol

Ambuj's Story

“Cancer research gave my father an extra year of life, and the memories we made that year will live with my family forever.”
– Ambuj


"Cancer research has helped give me the power to stand up and take control of my future, while living with metastatic breast cancer."
– Michelle


"Without cancer research, I would not have a life to be talking about right now."
– Carla

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Cancer research is personal

Every day, the breakthroughs made by cancer researchers transform people’s lives for the better. Cancer research helps patients live longer, helps families stay together, and helps scientists make a difference.

As Ontario’s cancer research institute, OICR unites a community of scientists, cancer patients, clinicians and everyday Ontarians. Cancer Research Changed My Life shines a spotlight on that community and what we have achieved together.

All year long, we’ll be publishing videos and first-person testimonials that demonstrate the life-changing power of cancer research. We’re also inviting you to share your story about cancer research on social media using the hashtag #ChangedMyLife

Beth’s story

Beth Ciavaglia talks about how a clinical trial changed the course of her cancer treatment….

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Carol’s story

I went from “healthy” to “terminal” in the blink of an eye. In 2013, after…

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Ambuj’s Story

Cancer research has changed my life because it gave me an extra year with my…

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20 years of changing lives

Since 2005, OICR been transforming scientific innovations into life-changing solutions.

Our work is made possible by support from the Government of Ontario, and by a vast network of researchers and collaborators across the province and around the world.

To learn more about what OICR has achieved as Ontario’s cancer research institute, please visit our website.

“We’ve come so far and touched so many lives over the past two decades, and we’re on the cusp of unlocking new discoveries that will change lives for generations to come.”

Christine Williams, Acting President
Lincoln Stein, Acting Scientific Director